Sexual jokes in the workplace

My husband and I were talking last night about stuff that is happening at his work. He told me about a joke he told a friend that made my head spin. I can’t remember what the joke was about because I’ve had a good night rest but I do remember that it had some sexual undertones.

I had to warn him against telling sexual jokes at work even though a woman was not around. The way that companies are today, it seems that people can find a sexual harrassment law suit even if there wasn’t a woman around.

So I guess I’m writing this to warn people about what they do at the office. That joke that you tell in hush hush tones at the office isn’t really in hush hush tones. It can be traced back to you and something negative might come out of it.

2 more days for charity blogging

I’m sitting here about ready to do a face plant on the keyboard. The time is only 9:45 A.M and I’m ready to turn off my computer and hybernate till my husband gets home from work.

This morning I found myself saying “I don’t need to get up. All I have to do is the dishes and exercise”. That is farther from the truth. I have to set up for January 1, 2010.

I don’t think that there are words to express how excited I am about the year long event. I know that it is going to be a lot of hard work. I know that there are going to be some people that are going to leave nasty comments.

I don’t care if people say anything negative. I simply want to give back to all the organizations that have helped me in my life.

Blogging for Charity

Can you believe that in eight days we will be in a new year! I wish I had a video camera so that I could show how excited I am about the new year. There are going to be some major changes in my families life.

In 8 days I will begin to blog for charity.  You can read about the television broadcast that started this journey into 2010.

Actually everything that I will be doing in 2010 will be for charity.

Yes, I’m still training and losing weight, so that I can go on the Susan Komen 3 Day for a Cure in San Francisco. My families goal is to raise $12,000 in 2010 but any money raised will be a blessing.

What else do I have plan to help people around the world?

  • All writing profits will be used for charity work
  • A Job board where all profits will be used for charity work
  • All blog ad sales will be used for charity work.

A new year and a new start with charity work in SJ.

Angel of Charity

It’s been a long time since I’ve been here to talk about what I have been doing online. It’s a new year and I decided to make a new start with the charity work that I’m doing in San Jose, California.

Not only are there people struggling in San Jose but there are people struggling around the world. I want to spend the next year doing everything I can to help other people.

I’ll be honest, my family is not rich but I believe that I have a lot of talents that I can be put to use to either raise money for charity or help an organization.

One of the things that I will be doing is saving all of the money I make from blogging to be used in helping other people. I know that with time I’ll be able to save $100 for each blog for charity. I’m having a hard time to explain how excited I am about this.

I pray that God will use me as a vessel to do mighty things in 2010. That not only will I be a vessel for lives being changed at the different charities but also the lives of people who just get a glance of what I am doing. I may not be the person that God uses to bring things in fruitation but I hope that a seed will be planted.

Terror hits my neighborhood

Mark couldn’t stop by yesterday so I spent the day scrubbing down our apartment. The landlord put in stupid white and tan floors with a black road outside. So basicly I have to scrub every couple of days just to keep the floors clean. That was my hour long work out for the day.

Around 8 p.m. terror hit our neighborhood. We live right next to the freeway. Last night explosions were heard and black smoke filled the air. Since there was a high wall covering the freeway, we couldn’t see what was happening.

Apparently there was a pile up on the 880. One person lost their life. My neighbors told me that they thought they heard screaming. What a horrible night

My little monster

What Your Cute Monster Says About You

You’re the type of person who stands out in a crowd, even when you’re trying to blend in.
You are honest in your character and appearance. You don’t pretend to be someone else.

Your inner demon is sorrow. You tend to get depressed easily.
People think you’re cute because you’re rebellious. Your uniqueness is charming.

Improve your income with planning

I feel like such an idiot. I missed a webinar that I really wanted to go to because I found a class in second life that I wanted to take. That’s what I get for not planning or doing research.

The webinar that I wanted to attend was through Associated Content. Tim Skillern discussed how to cover local and state issues. I live in San Jose, California. I’m an hour or two drive from California’s state capital and San Francisco. Covering these issues would broaden my education, voice and income.

Well they say that hindsight is 20/20. Now I know that if I have two conflicting classes then I need to reschedule. It looks like I need to listen to my own advice.

Speaking of advice, Be sure to check out the next Town Hall Webinar. Gina Foianini joins us for a discussion of tips and tricks that all new Content Producers should be aware of. I personally plan to be there just to get a refresher course.

You could win $10,000

If your a fan of deal or no deal then I’m sure you have entered their contest. Now another great place is giving you a chance to win. Here’s your chance to win more money online.

So what’s your most akward moment? I’ll share mine tomorrow!

Planning life with Associated Content

Life has really busy since MJ and I have been planning stuff. One of our favorite shows is The Amazing Race since both of us are adventurers. We also like America’s toughest jobs because it travels along the west coast.

So we now have a large map of the world on our wall. We would love to travel locations around the world and produce video on it. Till our dream ship comes in, we will just plan one trip a year. MJ has never seen the hot spots of Southern California, so I’m doing what I can to save money for a trip to Los Angeles, along with saving up money for my 3 Day Walk against Breast Cancer.

So my plan is to produce informative articles on Associated Content, create fun items in Second Life, sell things on Ebay, and take up extra side jobs. My goal right now is to earn $10,000 by September 2009 for charity and travel.

Here is what I have been working on:
Jobs for Stay at Home Moms and Dads
Festive Myspace Hanukkah Graphics Online
Why Sarah Silverman is a Good Role Model

Good Bye Stubbs! We’ll miss you

This is smoking on the news. Levi Stubbs of The Four Tops passed away today due to illness. It’s sad news indeed but thank you Levi for all the Four Tops music that you left behind.

Four Tops Sugar Pie Honey Bunch

Four Tops Baby I Need Your Loving