Tag Archives: California

Terror hits my neighborhood

Mark couldn’t stop by yesterday so I spent the day scrubbing down our apartment. The landlord put in stupid white and tan floors with a black road outside. So basicly I have to scrub every couple of days just to keep the floors clean. That was my hour long work out for the day.

Around 8 p.m. terror hit our neighborhood. We live right next to the freeway. Last night explosions were heard and black smoke filled the air. Since there was a high wall covering the freeway, we couldn’t see what was happening.

Apparently there was a pile up on the 880. One person lost their life. My neighbors told me that they thought they heard screaming. What a horrible night

Planning life with Associated Content

Life has really busy since MJ and I have been planning stuff. One of our favorite shows is The Amazing Race since both of us are adventurers. We also like America’s toughest jobs because it travels along the west coast.

So we now have a large map of the world on our wall. We would love to travel locations around the world and produce video on it. Till our dream ship comes in, we will just plan one trip a year. MJ has never seen the hot spots of Southern California, so I’m doing what I can to save money for a trip to Los Angeles, along with saving up money for my 3 Day Walk against Breast Cancer.

So my plan is to produce informative articles on Associated Content, create fun items in Second Life, sell things on Ebay, and take up extra side jobs. My goal right now is to earn $10,000 by September 2009 for charity and travel.

Here is what I have been working on:
Jobs for Stay at Home Moms and Dads
Festive Myspace Hanukkah Graphics Online
Why Sarah Silverman is a Good Role Model

Blinded by ghost

O.K. I’m not really going blind. Just been sitting in front of this computer screen since 6 a.m doing paranormal research. Plus I had some assignments that I needed to get finished before the deadline.

It’s amazing to me how some people will make up stories just to have a haunting in their neighborhood. I see it this way, ghosts are three things to me. Residual hauntings, Intillectual hauntings, or nasty buggers that just want to get a rise out of you.

Why would you want to encourage the latter.

Oh by the way I’m doing an article about hauntings in San Jose, California. If anyone wants to tell me about things that have happened to you personally. I’d love to listen to them.

Though I won’t be doing any of the kind if the economy doesn’t start to pick up and the job market doesn’t start to get better.  I can’t believe that my Xbox and games aren’t selling on Ebay like hot cakes.

A person would think that for less than $50 people would start picking them up. Especially since I just played it a week ago.

Heck maybe someone will trade it and 12 games for an EVP recorder.

I just don’t understand it

silk.jpgI’m feeling much better today. I’m not as sore as I was yesterday. Most of the day was spent settling back into joining the rat race. I put on my best looking monkey suit (blouse, skirt, stockings, and shoes) and filled out several applications.

I don’t know why I’m not losing weight on a daily basis. For the past two days I have been way under the fuel amount I should be giving my body. Today I had:
Coffee and an Italian Baggette
Salad with two tbsp of dressing
2 servings of claim jumpers beef stew

Total calories – no more than 1600

I got about an hour of slow walking today. I tried going down to the local animal kennel and tell them that I would work for free but they wouldn’t go for it. If I’m not walking to actually get something accomplished or if I don’t do an activity that has a goal then it’s kinda worthless to me.

I’m just going to have to remind myself that for every step that I’m accomplishing a healthy life.

I spent an hour watching Animal Planet with tears running down my face. They had the ASPCA on the air talking about the animals that they rescued. I just don’t understand the world. The world decided to give horses to a man who didn’t want to take care of them. Here I sit willing to give tons of love to animals and people. Yet, I don’t have the money to help people out financially.

I just don’t understand the world. Hopefully doors will open for me to obtain a job where my honey and I can get an apartment that allows pets. That we’ll have enough money to feed ourselves and feed our pets more than one meal a day.

I also hope that doors will open where I can work with people in changing their lives or working with animals. So if you live in San Jose, California and belong to a business or organization that changes the lives of either, I’m willing to work long hard hours.