Tag Archives: xbox

Blinded by ghost

O.K. I’m not really going blind. Just been sitting in front of this computer screen since 6 a.m doing paranormal research. Plus I had some assignments that I needed to get finished before the deadline.

It’s amazing to me how some people will make up stories just to have a haunting in their neighborhood. I see it this way, ghosts are three things to me. Residual hauntings, Intillectual hauntings, or nasty buggers that just want to get a rise out of you.

Why would you want to encourage the latter.

Oh by the way I’m doing an article about hauntings in San Jose, California. If anyone wants to tell me about things that have happened to you personally. I’d love to listen to them.

Though I won’t be doing any of the kind if the economy doesn’t start to pick up and the job market doesn’t start to get better.  I can’t believe that my Xbox and games aren’t selling on Ebay like hot cakes.

A person would think that for less than $50 people would start picking them up. Especially since I just played it a week ago.

Heck maybe someone will trade it and 12 games for an EVP recorder.

Bzz, Bzz, Bzz about Ebay

Just wanted to let everyone know that I still have items selling on Ebay. A total of 12 items and all Xbox products
